Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Promised Land Dairy

I had a loyalty card coupon for either a 12 or 28 oz bottle of Promised Land Dairy milk, and found a 28 oz Midnight Chocolate in the dairy case at my local Kroger.  I think this is the best chocolate milk I've ever had.

It's expensive, so I wouldn't buy it unless I had a coupon and wanted a 'treat', as I very rarely drink milk at all, usually just using regular milk in recipes when they call for it.

I can't even remember the last time I had cereal with milk, and I'm talking it's probably been years since I had some.  I do eat lots of cheese, occasional sour cream with different recipes, and butter, so no lack of calcium/vitamin D.

Some text on the bottle says folks think it tastes like melted chocolate ice cream, and I think that is accurate.  The 28 oz bottle is 3.5 servings, so I probably shouldn't have chugged the whole thing down within a minute or two like I did, all 900+ calories of it.  I guess I'll have to see if there are any gastrointestinal repercussions in store for me later on, lol..

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