Sunday, April 06, 2014

April showers...

A bit of rain this morning washing the pollen out of the air and off everything outside.

 My back has been bugging me the last couple of days, kidney area, along with nausea and dizziness, swollen feet/ankles, perhaps it's chronic kidney disease(family history) with almost all of the symptoms there, have been for years along with my diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • feel more tired and have less energy
  • have trouble concentrating
  • have a poor appetite
  • have trouble sleeping
  • have muscle cramping at night
  • have swollen feet and ankles
  • have puffiness around your eyes, especially in the morning
  • have dry, itchy skin
  • need to urinate more often, especially at night.

I'm not a doctor, can't afford one, or meds even if prescribed, but enough reading lets me know I should probably get a blood test to figure out my Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) to confirm or deny the internet diagnosis...

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